Copyrights 1986, 1987, 1992, 1997, and 2015 by
As of February 2025 this bibliography contained over 7,489 entries of articles, journals, and books that deal with Cuban philately totally or partially. Annotations are provided for a majority of the entries and more will be added in future editions as time permits. The bibliography is intended to be a living document to which additional citations will be added as new works are published or discovered. A subject index currently under development is provided to facilitate research of specific topics with the caveat that it is still very incomplete.
This bibliography has been entered in the philatelic literature competition at the following international philatelic exhibitions:
AMERIPEX 86 (Chicago, Illinois, May 22 to June 1,
1986), Large Bronze Medal*
CAPEX 87 (Toronto, Canada, June 13-21, 1987), Silver-Bronze Medal*
ESPAMER 87 (La Coruña, Spain, October 2-12, 1987), Silver Medal*
HAFNIA 87 (Helsinki, Denmark, October 17-27, 1987), Silver Medal*
GRANADA 92 (Granada, Spain, April 24-May 3, 1992), Silver Medal*
PHILITEX 1992 (New York, U.S.A, October 28-November 2, 1992),
Large Vermeil*
PACIFIC 97 (San Francisco, California, May 29-June 8, 1997),
Silver Medal*
Centenario del 98 (Madrid, Spain, December 4-8, 1997), Large
Silver Medal*
ESPAÑA 2006 (Malaga, Spain, October 7-13, 2006), Large Silver
EFIRO 2008 (Bucharest, Romania, June 20-27, 2008), Vermeil Medal
APS StampShow 2008, Hartford, Connecticut, August 14-17, 2008),
Vermeil Medal
EXFILNA 2010 (Madrid, Spain, October 17-24, 2010), Large Silver
AMIFIL - EXFILIMA 2021 (Lima, Perú, October 9-30, 2021), Large Vermeil Medal
Printed editions of the bibliography are indicated by an asterisk following the exhibition name; the edition presented at ESPAMER 87 was the same as the CAPEX 87 Edition, and the one presented at "Centenario del 98" was the same as the PACIFIC 97 Edition. The PACIFIC 97 Edition was the last version of the bibliography published in hardcopy form. The edition installed in these pages of the World Wide Web is a continously updated version of the bibliography currently comprising the equivalent of over 1100 printed pages and so there are no plans to publish additional versions of the work in hardcopy form.
As you can see, this is a mature piece of research that has evolved over more than forty years of my personal work and has also fed on the work of several other previous bibliographers whose contributions are acknowledged in the introduction to the work.
I am making
the bibliography available through the Internet free of charge for the benefit of Cuban
philatelists and the general philatelic community worldwide with
the intent of promoting the vastness and richness of Cuban
philately. You may copy the bibliography or portions thereof for
personal use, but I retain the copyright to the bibliography and
nobody may reproduce it or any of its
parts for resale in any form.
The citation keys that appear between < > and are underlined and in blue are linked to PDF files of the source documents cited, with the exception of those works that are still protected by authors' copyrights. The links to the cited source documents only work with the Firefox browser. This only applies to the the public version of the bibliography at The bibliography at is a private version of the bibliography that is only accessible by a private password.
Las claves entre < > de cada cita que aparecen subrayadas y en letras azules están enlazadas a archivos en formato PDF de los documentos fuente citados, exceptuando los trabajos que estén todavía protegidos por derechos de autor. Estos enlaces solo trabajan con el navegador de Internet (Internet browser) Firefox. Este párrafo solo aplica a la versión pública de la bibliografía en La versión de la bibliografía en es una versión privada que está protegida por un código de entrada privado.
The bibliography is only available in English and there are currently no plans to translate it into Spanish since just the task of keeping it current, adding missing annotations, and revising existing ones is monumental in itself. If you do not speak Spanish and need an English translation of any cited work published originally in Spanish, let me know and I will try to help you or find someone that can.
La bibliografía solo está disponible en inglés y no se piensa traducir al español debido a que solamente la tarea de mantenerla al día, corregirla y añadirle anotaciones a las citas que no las tienen es una tarea monumental. Si usted necesita ayuda entendiendo cualquier parte de ella o de cualquiera de los trabajos en inglés en ella citados, déjemelo saber y trataré de ayudarle o de buscar a alguien que le pueda ayudar.
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Usted necesita activar
una copia de Adobe PDF Reader para poder leer esta
Puede obtener una
copia gratis de Adobe PDF Reader visitando el sitio del
Internet de Adobe.
La bibliografía trabaja mejor con los buscadores del Internet Firefox, Internet Explorer y SeaMonkey.
Introduction | Abbreviations | Distribution | Memorials
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
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Bibliography of Cuban
Philatelic Journals
Bibliografía de Revistas Filatélicas Cubanas
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Journal of Cuban Philately -- Revista de
Filatelia Cubana
Issue Index -- Indice
por Número
Author Index -- Indice de
Subject Index -- Indice
de Materias
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of Cuban Philatelic Collections
Bibliografía de Colecciones Filatélicas Cubanas
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of Cuban Cancellations
Bibliografía de Cancelaciones Cubanas
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of Y 1/4 Surcharges
Bibliografía de las Sobrecargas Y 1/4
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Bibliography of 1883
Bibliografía de las Sobrecargas de 1883
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Bibliography of
the U.S. Postal Administration of Cuba
Bibliografía de la Administración Postal de los EE.UU. en
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of Puerto Príncipe Surcharges
Bibliografía de los Habilitados de Puerto Príncipe
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of Auctions of Puerto Príncipe Surcharges
Bibliografía de Subastas de los Habilitados de Puerto
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of Cuban Maritime Mail
Bibliografía del Correo Marítimo Cubano
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Oficial (Official Mail) Stamps of Cuba
Bibliografía de los Sellos de Correo Oficial
de Cuba
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of Cuban Postal Stationery
Bibliografía de los Enteros Postales de Cuba
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Bibliography of Cuban
Revenue Stamps and Paper
Bibliografía de Sellos y Papel Sellado Fiscales de Cuba
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Bibliography of Cuban Perfins
Bibliografía de Sellos Perforados de Cuba
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Bibliography of Cuban Telegraph
Bibliografía de Sellos de Telégrafos de Cuba
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Bibliography of Cuban Philatelic
Errors and Varieties
Bibliografía de Errores y Variedades en la Filatelia
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Bibliography of Cuban Forgeries
Bibliografía de Falsos Cubanos
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Bibliography of Cuban
Bibliografía de Aerofilatelia Cubana
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Bibliography of the Cuban Postal
Rocket Experiment
Bibliografía del Experimento del Cohete Postal
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of Publications and Works by Ernesto Cuesta
Bibliografía de Publicaciones y Trabajos de Ernesto Cuesta
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Pending Updates
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This page was last modified on: 11 February 2025